Unemployed - A Memoir

My Photo
Location: Cedar Park, Texas, United States

I am an outsourced American: I am black/African American and approaching 43 years of age. This is a chronicle of my story. The major networks talk about the "robust economy," few of them talk about the personal cost of the loss. I hope my story is not just an ethnic story. Like I said: I am an outsourced American, a casualty of NAFTA and CAFTA. We will all share in this boat soon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Slim and Fine! A benefit we didn't think about...

Study: Bad economy may be good for your health

I remember in the late '80s, since I didn't have health insurance, I took care to NOT get sick.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Update from Matt Steen: Unemployed Comics

Hi Reggie,

I must apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I took a break from UnEmployed Comics for a couple of years to finish school, but I am currently in the process of redesigning both the website and the comic strip. I plan to relaunch in late October.

In the meantime, feel free to download any of my archived comics for your website. I've recently updated by site to include a "Jump to" comic feature that lets you search comics by date.


I'll also add you to my list of contacts that I'll be notifying when the re-launch happens.

Thanks for your support, and let me know if you have any questions.

Matt Steen
UnEmployed Comics

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CNN Money States the Painfully Obvious...

Minorities feel sharper recession pain - report

I resemble these remarks, except it lacks the levity of the original quote in my "real time."

Monday, September 21, 2009

America Out-of-Work: Is Double-Digit Unemployment Here to Stay?

America Out of Work: Is Double-Digit Unemployment Here to Stay? - TIME

Ominous, yet appropriate date for the publication of this article (9/11). President Obama is going to have to deal with 9 - 11% unemployment (not counting UNDER employment) for some time in the first 4 years of his administration.

An excerpt from an interview of the philosopher, Grace Lee Boggs, PhD on DemocracyNow.org:

JUAN GONZALEZ: Much better as an ex-president than as a president (Carter). But I’d like to ask you about something you’ve written quite a lot about, the attempt you’ve been making in Detroit to change people’s relationships to the land and to their city through the urban gardening and farming movement in the cities. How is this part of the revolution you envision for the future for America?

GRACE LEE BOGGS: It’s critical; it’s not just a part. It’s pivotal, because Detroit, with the devastation of deindustrialization, gave us the space and place to begin anew. And we were forced to think very differently about what it means to be a human being and what it means to create a world that embraces and enlarges and expands us as human beings.

And we didn’t choose to be that. I mean, we were once the miracle, a sign of the international symbol of the miracles of industrialization. And then we became the international symbol of the devastation of deindustrialization. So we had to begin anew. And we looked at our vacant lots, and we saw them as an opportunity to begin growing our own food.

And as The Nation article says on the headline on democracy, I mean, growing your food is the beginning of growing democracy, a new kind of democracy that’s not dependent on lobbyists and on representative democracy, but begins to depend on the people from below, from the ground.

I grew up getting my vegetables from an urban garden in my backyard. I'm starting one in my suburb this fall.

Maybe the Farmer's Almanac had it right...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Recession, or "Man-Cession" Casualty

David Condon died broke and alone in a zipped-up tent on the banks of a South Carolina lake, his stomach empty and his lungs filling with fluid.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feel GOOD Story!

Blogging begins turnaround for homeless woman

I'm not homeless, but it's a testament to the power of the written word.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Man-Cession: Appropriate!

Recession's big layoffs have hit men harder than women
Primary breadwinners battered in latest downturn, experts say

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