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Location: Cedar Park, Texas, United States

I am an outsourced American: I am black/African American and approaching 43 years of age. This is a chronicle of my story. The major networks talk about the "robust economy," few of them talk about the personal cost of the loss. I hope my story is not just an ethnic story. Like I said: I am an outsourced American, a casualty of NAFTA and CAFTA. We will all share in this boat soon.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Chapter 14 - Sighs, Brass and Tinkling Cymbals

From the Introduction (see archives for 2004):


HR's reply:

You are on the hiring managers list of calls to make - I looked at the tracking sheet this AM.
(name blanked out)

My (14 August) e-mail:

I've talked to --- and ------ regarding the opportunity. I am confident we had good rapport and exchanged pertinent information on the position and its expectations. I am motivated to take the next step in this opportunity! I look forward to your reply to this e-mail, or call me at --------.

Thank you, and best regards,

Reggie Goodwin

(New) HR's reply:

Hi Reggie…I don’t have an answer for you yet. As soon as I do I will let you know.


"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." 1 Cor 13:1.

Sounds of sighing are
like unto the sound of one
hand clapping: hopeful.

Though I could have said "hopeless," I chose the word because the syllables match the beat of a proper haiku. Also, with a single word, the mood of the poem changes from somber to bright.

An extension of charity from a friend:

“Happy belated birthday Reggie! I love Ecclesiastes, and the book of Jude is also a favorite of mine. I studied End Time Bible prophecy with a minister who travels the world doing seminars on that subject (Larry Wilson) for 6 years every day ... then I wrote a book, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, that sold out in the Family Christian Store. I'd change some of it now, but it was pretty good I think.

“If we're well into the time of the end (I think we are), God would take you out of the "system" for your own protection Reggie ... at just about this point.

“I took myself out of the system, some time ago because that's going to be important. In the spring, I'm going to be planting a huge garden, wildflowers, then flowering plants and bushes, veggies, and herbs. I'm just feeling lead to do that. It's going to be important now, to be spirit-led, Reggie.

“If you have time and you're interested, it might be worthwhile for you to look into Mayan prophecy, Native American prophecy, Tibetan Prophecy, Celestine Prophecy, the Dead Sea Scrolls are also worth looking into the (Esscene scriptures). Know what? It's possible that you're more like Saul than Job ... Paul was caught up in the world that he was living in, until God separated him and taught him, in the desert. God saw something special in Paul. There are supposed to be prophets prepared for this time ... "God never does anything without first informing his servants, the prophets" You never know. Know what book I love, I have "A guide to the I Ching", I just read it like a book of philosophy, it's really inspirational.

“I love all the Epistles, Paul seems so human to me. Some of your writing sounds like him.... "What I would do, I do not" etc.

“Keep on Reggie, Love, --------“

Out of respect for the poet's privacy, I've omitted her name.

My home boy, Ivanho, says poets are Prophets Of Eternal Truths.

If I am a prophet, this time of my life is my desert.

I am pleased that what I've written has touched at least one. I hope it has touched you.

I am wretched. I struggle with inner demons. I am all-together human.

Although, I wryly observe, beheading is "in vogue" again, and I remember that was Paul's demise at the hands of the Roman government. Also, due to being left for dead, shipwrecked and the infamous "thorn," I hope the Apostle and I only share writing styles and philosophical outlook.

My... a funny! I believe I am... choosing joy.


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